We are excited you will be joining us for an upcoming course. Please see our terms and conditions below. We also have a FAQ page on our website for additional program policies.
* RESPONSIBILITY: I understand and agree that The UVI International staff, adjunct teachers, volunteers, faculty and participating agencies and personnel are acting in good faith and shall not be liable for damages, loss, expense, injury or inconvenience to person or property resulting from any cause whatsoever. I also understand and agree it is my responsibility to get to and from the course. I agree to attend all sessions and follow all rules and regulations. Further, I will not be disruptive. If I am disruptive and is asked to leave any class, I will be ejected from the course and I understand I will not be entitled to a refund or earn any credit hours. A full set of guidelines are available on the web site. I authorize The UVI International Program to use my image, photograph, written or verbal expression of words, artwork, audio and video recording or likeness of myself for the purpose of the educational mission of the university including publicity, marketing and promotion of the university.
What is the Refund, Cancellation and Transfers Policy?
1. There is a $15 fee to transfer a paid registration from one course to another. Additional fees may apply based on the difference in course registration fees. Any transfers granted within 10 days of the start date of the course will result in additional fees.
2. There is a fee of $25 to cancel a paid registration 20-30 days prior to the start date of the registered course.
4. There is a $75 fee to cancel a registration less than 20 days up to 10 days prior to the registered course.
5. There will be no refunds if the registration is canceled within 10 days of the start date of the course or for students who fail to attend the course for any reason.
6. There is a fee of $10 to transfer a name for a paid registration.
7. There will be no refunds for any reason for students who have attended any portion of a course.
8. There will be no refunds for students who exhibit unacceptable behavior and are removed or dismissed from classes.
9. Within 10 days of the start date of a course students may request a name change for a replacement attendee (additional fees will apply).
To request a refund or to cancel a course please visit user account and cancel the course. Questions about cancellations and refunds direct to info@uviprogram.org
To request a transfer, send an email to info@uviprogram.org. Include in the email the name and date of the course you are registered for and the name and date of the course you would like to attend. We will reply with the transfer fee and any difference in registration fees.
Allow 7-14 days for refunds to be processed. We cannot accept cancellations or transfer requests over the phone or messages left on voice mail.
We are always looking for new ways to meet your educational requirements in fun and exciting ways. Let us know your thoughts and suggestions.