Frequently Asked Questions
Policies and Procedures
How do I register for a course?
After I register online, when do I have to pay?
How do I pay with credit or debit card? What do I do?
What are the Refund, Cancellation and Transfer Policies?
What if I cannot complete the course?
What is a CEU? Is it the same as a credit?
Is the University of the Virgin Islands an accredited University?
What is given as proof of completion for the course?
What if I need a document sealed for my home country?
What if I misplaced or lost my completion letter from a course?
What if I need a transcript of the courses I have completed with the program?
Can I take more than one course?
Can I use the certificate I receive for a national certification process?
Do you have other courses that an international student can complete?
Registration Fees and Payments
Registration Transfers, Cancellation and Refunds
Contacting our office or Instructor during a course
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register for a course?
Registering for courses with the International Program is completed through this website. All students must first create a student account. After the password protected student account is active, courses can be added. Students must complete their registration process within 10 minutes. The registration system will time out after 10 minutes and empty your cart.
After I register online, when do I have to pay?
The payment should be completed with your registration. You will not be able to register for a course without full payment.
What is the registration fee?
The course registration fee for the University of the Virgin Islands International Program is dependent upon the date of registration, location and type of course. Please see course descriptions CLICK HERE registration fees.
Do you accept checks?
We do not accept checks. All payments must be made using the Payment Center. The Payment Center accepts debit and or credit cards.
How do I pay with credit or debit card? What do I do?
The course(s) will be placed in your shopping cart. When ready to check out select credit/debit. The system will allow you 10 minutes to complete your course selection and payment transactions. After 10 minutes your shopping cart will be automatically emptied.
What time can I check in?
The course description has the arrival times for the course. Arrive 15 minutes prior to the course start time to check in an locate the classroom.
What are the Refund, Cancellation and Transfer Policies?
1. There is a $15 fee to transfer a paid registration from one course to another. Additional fees may apply based on the difference in course registration fees. Any transfers granted within 10 days of the start date of the course will result in additional fees.
2. There is a fee of $25 to cancel a paid registration 20-30 days prior to the start date of the registered course.
4. There is a $75 fee to cancel a registration less than 20 days up to 10 days prior to the registered course.
5. There will be no refunds if the registration is canceled within 10 days of the start date of the course or for students who fail to attend the course for any reason.
6. There is a fee of $10 to transfer a name for a paid registration.
7. There will be no refunds for any reason for students who have attended any portion of a course.
8. There will be no refunds for students who exhibit unacceptable behavior and are removed or dismissed from classes.
9. Within 10 days of the start date of a course students may request a name change for a replacement attendee (additional fees will apply).
To request a refund or to cancel a course please visit user account or course confirmation email select “cancel course”. Questions about cancellations and refunds direct to info@uviprogram.org
To request a transfer, send an email to info@uviprogram.org. Include in the email the name and date of the course you are registered for and the name and date of the course you would like to attend. We will reply with the transfer fee and any difference in registration fees.
Allow 7-14 days for refunds to be processed. We cannot accept cancellations or transfer requests over the phone or messages left on voicemail.
What if I cannot complete the course?
If after checking into a course with the University of the Virgin Islands a student has to withdraw or fail to complete the course requirements for any reason, the student will be eligible for partial course credit. The student will not be eligible for a refund or partial refund. Students who need to withdraw or leave a course must inform the administrator on-site and sign out.
What are Lodging Courses?
Lodging courses are offered throughout the year. The course registration fee for lodging courses includes all course supplies, materials and Saturday night double occupancy lodging. Students can select the optional Friday and Sunday night hotel accommodations during the registration process.
Will I have a Roommate?
All students will have a roommate when attending the different lodging courses. You may request a specific roommate of the same gender. Please indicate roommate preference on your online registration form. All efforts will be made to honor your roommate preference but it is not guaranteed. Both students must request each other for the request to be granted. For an additional fee you may request to have no roommate.
Must I complete Homework?
To successfully complete courses offered by the University of the Virgin Islands International Program, homework is required. Homework will be given prior to the course or on the first day of the course along with detailed instructions and all due dates. Homework must be uploaded to your student account. Your completion certificate, agency verification form and credits will be provided after the course requirements are met. Students are given 14 days after the course to complete any remaining course assignments. Completion certificates will be given based on the completion of course requirements. Partial course credits can be earned.
How many credits can I earn?
Successful completion of our courses requires coursework and outside/home assignments. Please see course description for hours offered.
Students can register for multiple courses.
What is a CEU? Is it the same as a credit?
A CEU is a continuing education unit and is not the same as a credit.
1 CEU= 10 hours
1 credit=12 hours
Is the University of the Virgin Islands an accredited University?
The University of the Virgin Islands is accredited by Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
What is given as proof of completion for the course?
A certificate of completion will be emailed at the conclusion of the course. Credits and hours earned will depend on completed course requirements.
What if I need a document sealed for my home country?
The university staff will seal and mail via US Postal Service standard mail to the address listed on the registration form. Our staff will accept forms given to the instructors, uploaded on your student account and via email. A fee of $15 payable through the Payment Center will be required to complete documents from your home country.
What if I misplaced or lost my completion letter from a course?
Completion certificates are stored in your student account. If you require a duplicate certificate please visit the course listing and request a duplicate certificate.
What if I need a transcript of the courses I have completed with the program?
If you need a transcript of courses completed with our university please send a request including course name, date and student name to info@uviprogram.org. A fee of $20 payable through the Payment Center will be required to send the transcript.
Can I take more than one course?
Yes, you can take more than one course with our program.
Can I use the certificate I receive for a national certification process?
No, the certificate you earn with the International Program is not a part of any professional certification process.
Do you have other courses that an international student can complete?
Yes, the University of the Virgin Islands offers multiple certificate programs and coursework, along with numerous online courses and courses at the main campus in the US Virgin Islands. Our university also can discuss other enrollment options. See link at the bottom of the home page for other courses offered at the university.
Policies and Procedures
Open a Student Account
All interested students must create a student account prior to registering for a course.
To create a student account go to www.uviprogram.org, scroll to “Create Student Account” button.
Enter all requested fields. Enter your name as it is listed on your passport. Do not enter nicknames or partial names. Name changes will require an administrative fee.
If a field is skipped or inaccurate data is submitted the form will not be accepted or an email will be sent to gather the required information.
Register for a Course
Students must register for all courses via our online registration system.
To view or search Open Courses
-Go to www.uviprogram.org
-Scroll down the home page and click "open courses"
Sort courses by location (by clicking the arrow next to "All location" at the top of the list of courses). Sort by lodging vs no- lodging, and by credits earned (by clicking on the arrow next to "All Offering" at the top of the list of courses). After selecting the items, click "view events" to read the results.
-Scroll down the list of open courses
-Click the title of the course. A new window will open with the course description.
-Register for the course by click "Register Now-Individual Registration" button near the top of the course description.
Please have the form of payment readily available because the shopping cart will remain active for 10 minutes to complete the transaction. If the shopping cart expires the slot for the course is deleted from the student's account. PayPal is also an option to pay for our courses.
Course Confirmation Email
After registering for a course you will receive a course confirmation email with several links. Save the email for future use. Included in the course confirmation email is a link to invite other students to join the course with you, a link to add your course to your calendar along with a course cancellation link. The cancellation and refund policy link is also located in the confirmation email if you need to cancel the course later.
Registration Fees and Payments
All registration fees and any additional fees* are due at checkout. No partial registration fees will be accepted. Students can pay with debit or credit card. Another option for payment is PayPal. You do not have to have a PayPal account to use PayPal. We will send an invoice with the course information. Students can pay with credit, debit or check using PayPal.
Each course has three registration periods.
Early registration (the first 14 days after the course registration opens) On-time registration (the 15th day after the course registration opens until three weeks before the course start date) and Late Registration (three weeks before the course start date).
We send out email notifications and Facebook notifications when we open our registration periods. We have Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer course periods. We offer courses in multiple states and cities. Please confirm your course location by looking at the map on the course description page or double checking the address of the course before registering.
Registration Transfers, Cancellation and Refunds
To request a refund or to cancel a course please visit your user account or course confirmation email select “cancel course”. Questions about cancellations and refunds direct to info@uviprogram.org
To request a transfer, send an email to info@uviprogram.org. Include in the email the name and date of the course you are registered for and the name and date of the course you would like to attend. We will reply with the transfer fee and any difference in registration fees.
Allow 7-14 days for refunds to be processed. We cannot accept cancellations or transfer requests by text, phone or messages left on voice mail. Any questions about cancellations, refunds or transfers please send by email only. Email us using info@uviprogram.org.
1. There is a $15 fee to transfer a paid registration from one course to another. Additional fees may apply based on the difference in course registration fees. Any transfers granted within 10 days of the start date of the course will result in additional fees.
2. There is a fee of $25 to cancel a paid registration 20-30 days prior to the start date of the registered course.
4. There is a $75 fee to cancel a registration less than 20 days up to 10 days prior to the registered course.
5. There will be no refunds if the registration is canceled within 10 days of the start date of the course or for students who fail to attend the course for any reason.
6. There is a fee of $10 to transfer a name for a paid registration.
7. There will be no refunds for any reason for students who have attended any portion of a course.
8. There will be no refunds for students who exhibit unacceptable behavior and are removed or dismissed from classes.
9. Within 10 days of the start date of a course, students may request a name change for a replacement attendee (additional fees will apply).
To request a refund or to cancel a course please visit your user account or course confirmation email select “cancel course”. Questions about cancellations and refunds direct to info@uviprogram.org
To request a transfer, send an email to info@uviprogram.org. Include in the email the name and date of the course you are registered for and the name and date of the course you would like to attend. We will reply with the transfer fee and any difference in registration fees.
Allow 7-14 days for refunds to be processed. We cannot accept cancellations or transfer requests over the phone or messages left on voice mail.
Contacting our office or Instructor during a course
We have multiple ways to contact us. The preferred method is email.
You may email, call, text, reach out using our live chat or contact form on our website. All methods listed above are delivered to the same staff. Please only use one method and leave one message. Expect 24-48 for return calls. Voice mail messages are processed at the end of the day. Emails received during office hours are returned the same day.
All methods of contact are available during office hours
Fall/Winter/Spring office hours are 10am-3pm Monday-Friday, Summer office hours 12pm-3pm Monday- Friday. If you contact us after hours we will respond the next business day.
The weekends are not business days. Office staff will respond to weekend messages on the next business day.
Contact an Instructor during the weekend
During our courses on the weekends students and host families can contact the instructor by using our weekend number listed in the “Important Information email” which is sent 5 days before the course.
After the course is concluded all communication should be directed to the office.
Each course has outside assignments that must be completed to successfully earn the hours/credits for the course. Homework assignments will be emailed on the first day of the course.
Homework is assigned and checked by administration not the instructor. Please forward any questions about homework to info@uviprogram.org
Homework is checked Monday-Friday. Anticipate 48 hours for assignments to be checked after submission to your student account.
If any portion of the assignment requires an update we will send an email listing what was not included or must be changed/updated. Students usually have 48-72 hours to make the updates and resubmit.
Homework is not accepted by email under any circumstances. All assignments must be uploaded to the student account.
An upload link is provided in the homework email sent to students on the first day of the course. Use this link to submit assignments, agency forms, international forms and updated assignments.
The upload system will only accept MS Word or Adobe PDF documents. Please do not try and submit Mac Pages or Keynote documents.
Agency and International Forms
Agency forms that must be signed are returned to the student by email after the student has successfully completed the course. Successful completion includes on-time attendance during all portions of the course and satisfactory completion of all outside or homework assignments.
German forms that must be signed, sealed and stamped, should be uploaded to the student’s account or can be turned in on the last day of course.
Due to the seal, and stamp required on the Familienkasse form an administrative fee is charged to complete and return the form. Visit our website and complete the International form Request. We will mail the German form using USPS to the mailing address in your student account. Please ensure the address is correct in the student account. These forms are processed twice a month. Allow 7-14 days after your request for the German form to arrive.
Completion Certificate
After all course requirements are successfully completed, students will be issued a completion certificate by email.
Successful completion of the course includes on time attendance during all class periods and satisfactorily completing the outside assignments. Students who miss time from class for being tardy (start of class, returning from lunch or break), not attending a class day or leaving before the course end time can reduce the hours/credit earned for the course.
Students may earn partial credit for the course if time is missed for any reason. Students may also be assigned a make up task to earn full edit for the course (depending on how much time was missed from class). Students who are assigned make up assignments/dates will be required to pay a $25-$50 fee (depending on the amount of time missed).
The course completion email has a link to your certificate, please open the link and save the certificate on your hard drive/flash drive. Requests for replacement certificates, name changes or duplicate certificates will result in a processing fee.
Course Conduct
To ensure a positive and interactive learning environment students must adhere to our student conduct policy.
Students should arrive 15 minutes prior the course start time to check in and navigate their way to the class.
All our facilities are non-smoking including travel vehicles.
Be respectful of the instructor and other students in the course. No talking while the instructor is teaching. Students will have group activities, break times and meal periods that will allow them to have social time with the other students.
Students must promptly return from lunch and break times by the designated time.
Students should plan their travel so that they can complete all classroom hours. Students can earn partial credit for our courses; this applies to students who leave early or arrive late.
No electronic devices are used during class time.
Group work is a part of the course. Students must actively participate in all activities of the course.
Keep your work area tidy.
We are a drug-free program. No vapors, fumers or other drug paraphernalia are permitted in our facilities. Students will be removed from class with no chance of refund for not adhering to this policy.