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About Us
The University of the Virgin Islands International Program offers personal development, career development, business, language and enrichment courses.
Earn from .5-40 hours with our varied course offerings. Please see the complete list of course descriptions. The courses are held around the US and in the US Virgin Islands.
Variety of Courses
9 Art and Fine Art Courses
4 Business Courses
5 Career Development Courses
4 Cultural Exchange Courses
7 English as a Second Language Courses
5 Fitness Courses
2 Foreign Language Courses
4 History Courses
17 Personal Development Courses
4 Photography Courses
4 Psychology Courses
7 Other Courses
Our cadre of instructors have been handpicked for their unique experience, skills and personality. The goal of our staff is to meet the needs of each student while providing quality transformative instuction.
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